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金沢マラソン2021 予定どおり開催


 7:00 手荷物預け開始(〜8:10)
 7:25 ランナー整列開始(〜8:25)
 8:30 スタートセレモニー
 8:35 第1ウェーブスタート
 8:45 第2ウェーブスタート

Kanazawa Marathon 2021 will be held as scheduled.
Today's Kanazawa Marathon 2021 will be held as scheduled. The area around the starting grounds is expected to be very crowded, so please give yourself extra time to get in place.

 7:00 Bag storage opens(〜8:10)
 7:25 Runner line-up begins(〜8:25)
※G・P Block 7:50〜8:25
 8:30 Starting Ceremony
 8:35 1st Wave Start
 8:45 2nd Wave Start

投稿者:金沢マラソンat 04:30| お知らせ